Lindsay Cuthbert
Occupational Therapist
Lindsay graduated from Curtin University as an Occupational Therapist in 2003, and has worked with the Specialised Hand Therapy team in hand therapy in the Albany Clinic since this time. Lindsay has also worked in the fields of vocational rehabilitation and aged care as an Occupational Therapist. In recent years Lindsay has attended David Butler’s NOI Group Explain Pain course, as well as reading his text books on Graded Motor Imagery and the Sensitive Nervous System. Lindsay has also attended AHTA courses in Orthotic Fabrication: Mobilisation Orthoses and Sports Injuries of the Hand Wrist & Elbow, and the Action Rehab Course on Clinical Reasoning of the Wrist.
Lindsay is an Associate Member of the AHTA and is currently studying for the qualification of Certified Hand Therapist (USA). She has presented numerous talks and educational seminars in the area of hand therapy for General Practitioners and others, particularly in the Albany precinct.